Apps and Technology

    Again, having to Google how to do something that should be simple on an Apple device (deleting all downloads from Apple Music) shows that it’s an appalling experience trying to navigate the Apple ecosystem at times. 💻

    My, quite frankly, promiscuous flirtation with whatever app looks pretty at any given time is stopping me from actually being productive. 💻

    I’m starting to see the benefits of using Scrivener over Ulysses for my planned novels. Don’t get me wrong I still adore Ulysses, but once the way Scrivener works clicks its potential starts to become clear. 💻

    And Apple autocorrect is adding random words and letters again, terrific. 💻

    Just when I dip my toes back into Ulysses for writing, for the first time since I started using it the app is glitching. I’m not losing anything, but it’s certainly making life difficult for me. 💻

    Having a dig around Scrivener again. No idea why, as I love Ulysses, but I stilll have that nagging doubt in the back of my mind that I’m missing out on Scrivener’s organisational capabilities. 💻📝

    Does anyone have any experience with the Starling hub? Sounds a bit too good to be true to get Google Nest products working in HomeKit. 💻

    Still liking the feel of Apple’s Journal app, particularly the way it pulls in Activity, Podcasts, Music, etc. Find it a little irritating that it doesn’t automatically do the same for audiobooks. 💻

    Haven’t been spending a lot of time on recently, which I’m beating myself up about because I started the year with such high aims. Nothing I can do about the missed writing except to try and pull myself out of the fug. 💻😐

    Apple products are fantastic until something so irritating that it makes me want to gnaw my arm off falls through the gap. 💻

    Liking the new Ulysses widgets. 💻 is the right place to ask this. Is using my iPhone as a webcam as good as buying a separate camera? 💻

    Weird ‘Find My…’ glitch. My wife’s location is static at ‘home’ and has been counting down for a few weeks now (currently ‘in 10 hours’). She is to technology what a dog is to a dropped biscuit. If the machines ever take over, my missus will be mankind’s salvation. 💻

    My replacement Nanoleaf Shapes controller is on its way. I’ve missed using it. 💻

    Finally added a bit more information to my blog today. 😐💻

    I’m quite liking Apple’s Journal app. I know Day One is better, but as it goes for fast documentation of things I’ve been doing during the day, it’s very handy. I look forward to seeing how it develops. 💻

    I wish I had more confidence in tinkering with my blog. I mean, the worst that can happen is I mess it up and some kind soul advises me how to fix it. Anyway, I’m in the process of trying to make it more me and less generic. 💻

    Threads is already irritating me. Glad to get clarification rather than supposition on that, however. 💻

    Threads app is kind of there, but isn’t; at least for me. Stuck in a loop of trying to set up an account, with no sign of the app in store yet. I’ll be patient. 💻

    Front page of my iPhone and iPad. Pretty similar apps really, though I’m trying to keep both devices separated in terms of usage. Particularly happy with the iPad screen. 💻

    iPhone screenshot, large calendar app taking up the most space. iPad screenshot. Calendar app top, reading apps and shortcuts, with magazines and small app buttons completing. Native Apple apps along the bottom.

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