Apps and Technology
I think I’m on the cusp of finally streamlining my bits, bobs and email within the Apple ecosystem. Also, the farmer has been spreading slurry. 💻
Ordered a load of geeky stickers for my MacBook Air. 💻
‘If everyone on installed IOS17 Beta, then jumped off a mountain - would you do it too?’ ‘Yes. Yes I would.’💻
Another Google Home update, still no support for Nest Protect. Oh, and it turned off all notifications for my doorbell as well, which is handy. Trying to find how to turn notifications back on is like a quest in itself. 💻
After seeing @Vincent achieve ‘Inbox Zero’ (and my own quest to move away from Hey email) I’ve been digging a bit more in the iCloud Mail system and think the aliases, and automatic filing could well be a good system for me. 💻
Although it’s nice to have it, I’m not sure the cross-posting from is doing anything other than confuse me. 💻😐
My face when I finally saw the ‘Include Replies’ tickbox on and actioned it. 💻

How come, when using various themes, some plug-ins work/show up immediately after installation and some don’t? 💻
Logic Pro is on my iPad Mini. 💻🎶
After my recent post about ‘finding the right blog look’ I got brave and had a tinker with one I liked. Loads of trial and error, and there’s one thing that I can’t for the life of me work out how to change, but it’s more me now. 💻
Logic Pro for iPad day!🎶💻
I treated myself to a(nother) HomePod Mini for the back room and have set them up as a stereo pair. I’m sure audiophiles would turn their noses up, but it sounds great to me. 💻🎶
Good to see the Apple Watch update has fixed the ‘Now Playing’ glitch. 💻
Might spend an hour or so refining the myriad of apps that sit, hiding, on my devices. 💻
They’re slightly skewiff, but I love them. 📝💻

And in that geeky news, I’ve ordered some Nanoleaf hexagons and plan on pretending my writing area is a Tardis. 💻📝
My MacBook Pro is well and truly banjaxed. Can I hook up an iPad Mini 6 (which has a USB port for charging) to an external monitor? 💻
Trying out Freeform after a few here have mentioned it. The app just crashed and lost my work, is this a regular occurrence? 💻
Random musing, but does anyone use Ulysses for journaling?💻✍️📝📔
Back using Ulysses again for my writing. 📝💻