Finished reading: Deadly Deep (Dread Wood, Book 4) by Jennifer Killick 📚

Finished reading: Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov 📚

Finished reading: The Gunslinger by Stephen King 📚

Finished reading: The Hobbit, Or, There and Back Again by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien 📚

Well, the wind is certainly picking up already. I’d imagine the power will go off at some point, so I might be off grid for a little while.

Sparks have written a banger about every situation. Sparks - The Calm Before the Storm

My dogs and I have formed a silent but deadly appreciation society. We meet once a week, with the windows open.

‘Well, the Friendship across the Fediverse group seems to be going swimmingly,’ he noted to himself with interest.

The wind is really picking up already.

Ooh, Nine Inch Nails are playing Dublin! 🎶

Tomorrow is a day for hunkering down ahead of the red-level wind warning. Today is a day for walking the dogs, then hunkering down because I quite like just hanging out, reading and listening to music.

Plymouth 0-5 Burnley (HT) ⚽️

Morgan Whittaker not in the squad for Plymouth. I wonder if a deal has been reached? ⚽️

My wife routinely buys goodies; doughnuts, chocolate biscuits and the like. I have no self-control, coming to the conclusion that she wants me curvy.

It’s messy, but I’ll tidy it (soon).

A messy cubby hole, long Dr Who scarf on the left, a Burnley FC pendant on the right. Five hexagons light up the area with a MacBook below.

We’ve just had our gate fixed and ‘the most powerful storm in decades’ hits on Friday. 😩

And I’m hungry.

A watched frozen pizza never browns.

Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen The great man himself. 🎶

I left twitter years ago and deleted all Meta products over the past week. Beginning to wonder whether I’m best just spending more of my time walking the dogs, listening to podcasts, reading, writing stories, that sort of thing, rather than spend too much time on social media?