Watching my lurcher’s little legs go as he snoozes with his head against my leg. 😍🐕
Tinylitics emails are a little persistent this morning. 😆
I’ve arrived back at that creative constipation stage that hits me more often than I’d like. Not unheard of after the inevitable creative rush of a new year, I just need to navigate it better this year. 😐
That was a soggy dog-walk. 🐕
Utd are hilarious. ⚽️
Come on Burnley! ⚽️
Too much pizza, excessive amounts onion rings, and multiple garlic breads consumed. Elastic pants are about to be mobilised.
Our dryer situation still hasn’t been rectified. Two weeks, not that anyone cares about me and my laundry because of the impending destruction of the planet. That’ll remove a few creases alright.
Blep. 🐕
Headbutted a shelf trying to achieve peak productivity.
Despite all that, my hair looks fabulous.
My productivity switch around isn’t feasible. Too cluttered, too many wires. Move something and a wire pops out somewhere, rendering the rest without power. The tech dominoes fall, I stub my toe on a box and curse the day I was born. Not being dramatic, or anything.
I’m trying a new hair-product after my shower. Excited.
Am I procrastinating, or will re-jigging my workspace help declutter my mind? We shall find out tomorrow. 😐
I’m sorting my Safari bookmarks out. No idea why I bookmarked some of that stuff. 💻
All the trees are now cleared on my favourite dog walk route during which I spoke to two Jack Russell puppies (and their owner). A splendid start to the day, and no mistake. 🐕
Had the better chances, but same old story. ⚽️#burnleyfc
0-0 at half-time. ⚽️😱
Finished reading: Foundation by Isaac Asimov 📚